
mercredi 3 juin 2015

Does the German people use cars from national production (Mercedes, BMW…)?

A little majority of German use a German's car but there are lot of foreign car manufacturer present in Germany. The German like the German car but don't always think that they are the best cars. According to a pole taking place in Stuttgart city we asked question in people on a street to know where the mark of their car(s). We noticed that Japanese car manufacturer, Toyota is very present in Germany and represent a very large number of cars circulating in Germany.

We noticed that the German car manufacturer Volkswagen and Mercedes are very popular.

Then after an other survey who involve to ask which car the Germans prefer. This survey learn us that the most appreciated cars for German males were the Porsche and other sportive auto-mobiles for Mercedes.

But for the women Mini have an incredible success. We noticed that the police agents had Mercedes cars.

We didn't see many hybrids cars, there was some but not not that many most of weren't ecological. The car was seen the most was the Mercedes Class E Between the Porsche and the Mercedes museum the most visited was the Mercedes museum but most appreciated was the Porsche museum. The Porsche museum seems more modern than the Mercedes museum, in the Mercedes museum we had the impression of always going in the same room which give the feeling of receptivity this can explain why the Porsche museum is more appreciated.

Valentin SALTEL, Léandre DE ROECK, Alexis MARSAULT, Lionel DA SILVA

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